The [To Do List]
I started out by making my 'to do' list. (Scott is always making fun of me because I have so many lists around the house. I admit I am a list addict.) This is a magnetic chalk board I have so I printed out the projects I wanted to get done, put a little magnet on the back of each slip of paper, and put it up on my board. I can't describe the joy it brings me to move a slip of paper from the 'to do' to the 'done' column. (I know its kind of weird, but I love it.)
Status: [DONE]
I should have taken a before picture, but this room had gotten out of control. All the counters were covered, and my utility sink was filled with dirty clothes. It was embarrassing. It also drove me crazy every time I walked through it. It had been like that for two weeks, but look at it now.
[The Mommy Cabinet]
Above my utility sink is this cabinet. Its my 'Mommy Cabinet.' I have everything organized so that when I am packing my diaper bag I don't have to run all over the house looking for the things I need. All my books are on the left. I have bottle/formula items next to the books. On on the far right hand side of that bottom shelf I have my food/water bin. That is where I pull my on the go snacks from so I always remember to have something for the kids to snack on while we are out. On the top shelf all the way to the left I have my diaper/wipe basket. Next to that is my weather basket. It has everything from sunscreen to swim diapers to lotion to aloe vera to sun glasses etc... Finally all the way to the right on the top is my toys bin. Its where I store all the toys I would possibly want to take with me in the diaper bag. When I come home from a trip out and about I unload the contents of my diaper bag into the different bins and fold the bag up and put it on the top shelf next to the toys. That way I only am taking with me what I need. I created the mommy cabinet a few months ago, and have been loving how its worked for me. Its helped me stay organized and get out the door faster. Which is a must when you have so many little kids in tow.
[Laundry Room Nook]
Here is another nook I have in my laundry room. I put a hook up to hang my purse on which helps free up counter space. The basket to the left is my take back/return basket. Its where I put things I need to return to the store or a person. Its right by the garage door so I try to look at it before I leave to see if there is anything I can return while I'm out. Next to that is my mail/paper trays. It helps me sort papers I need to look at and papers I need to file. Next to that are some important binders. One is my central binder that I am still trying to finish up. Its going to be where all my emergency information is located and other important family papers are. Next to it is a binder that hold lists and notes. It has all the notes I've taken from my readings, and my plans for me and my family. I also have a couple of spiral bound notebooks there that I need to go through and figure out what to do with them. They have random notes and lists I've made over the years. Now I have to figure out if I want to keep them and then if I do what to do with them.
[The Board]
Its hard to see, but a great tip I learned from an organizing gal was to use this magnetic board I have in my laundry room to organize my gift cards. So I finally did it. I put little strips of magnets on the back of all my gift cards and a couple of coupons I want to remember to use and put it up on my board that I see right before I get in the car. Hopefully this will help me actually use them!!
More organizing projects to come...