My typical day isn't anything like most people's typical day. So why in the world (when I could have three of my six kids gone all day in school) would I decide to keep them all home and as a result have a typical day that includes me and all six of my kids hanging out together? I know many of my family and friends are utterly confused and can't understand why I homeschool my kids. I have to admit a few years ago I would have wondered the same thing! I know I've mentioned this before but if you really want to figure out why I homeschool you've got to read The Thomas Jefferson Education by Dr. DeMille. It's an amazing book that has changed my entire outlook on life and sent me down the homeschooling path. Even if you don't want or have any desire to homeschool its a wonderful read that will open your eyes. You'll love it.
{a typical day}
So what in the world does a typical day look like in the Martineau home? Well, there is no such thing as typical in our home each day is so different, however, my idea of what our ideal day should look like doesn't happen as often as I'd like. But don't take that the wrong way. What I mean is some days I have an entire plan figured out to inspire and expose the kids to something, and then one of the kids asks a question about another topic and we end up spending most of the day talking, researching, and reading about that subject. OR we start reading a good book and end up spending more time reading and don't make it to anything else. OR we get busy working together on a project (I think its so important to work along side the kids and teach them how to work) that we spend more time than I thought we would. You get the idea. One of the things I've come to really cherish about homeschooling is the ability I have to adjust what we learn to my child's interest. I LOVE this.
::the Morning Routine::
Our morning routine goes something like this (but I am working on improving it!!! The words in green are new components I am going to be adding to our morning routing starting in October).
1. Breakfast: We have breakfast around 8am. In order to eat breakfast you must be dressed, bed made, hair combed, room cleaned, dirty clothes put away, teeth brushed, and personal prayer said.
2. Devotional: After breakfast we have our family devotional that includes; an opening song, prayer, 15-20 minutes reading the New Testament, journal time, scripture mastery, closing song, and prayer.
3. Family Book: We (mostly Jarom, Megan, and I) read a family fictional book together. Right now we are reading A Wrinkle in Time.
4. Inspire US time: I am doing this on a much smaller level right now, but I am working on developing this time into something even more fun and exciting for everyone. In October I am going to start a one-two hour 'school' time where I will start exposing my kids in an inspiring way to new subjects and topic matters. This isn't going to be them getting a prepared lecture from me each day (although I do plan to prepare). Its going to be a time to share with them what I am learning, loving, and want them to learn and love!
5. Lunch/Play/Dinner Prep
6. Personal Study time/Quiet hour(s): I have found that I need more time to study and my children aren't spending enough time reading. So I am going to start quiet time where I will play music for probably one hour to begin with, and while the music is playing everyone will be expected to stay in a pre-determined spot and quietly play, read, color, etc... If one of my children wants/needs help with what they are studying I will be available to help them with their personal studies. Otherwise if they are busy I will be spending the time reading and studying for 5 Pillars, Inspire US, or other interests I want to pursue.
7. Free time: Each day each child has 30 minutes to play with electronics. I am considering switching this to a child of the day approach. This is where each child has special privileges one day a week. One of those privileges would be playing on the computer or Wii for a set period of time. I am still working on this though and am trying to figure out how it would work best for our family.
8. Pre-daddy pick up/final dinner preparations
9. Dinner
10. Daddy play time
11. Stories, songs, bed time
12. Personal Study time/hang out with hubby time/project time
::Morning Routine in Action::
How do I homeschool with 6 little kids is a question I'm constantly asked. Our learning environment doesn't look anything like a traditional classroom. During reading time we sit on the couch with the older kids next to me and the younger kids playing quietly (they aren't always all that quiet) on the floor in the same room. Why do I want the little ones close by? Because I think they absorb a lot more than they let on, and I want them to be included in our family's activities.
Its always so cute how often times by the time we are nearing the end of our family reading time I have kids sitting all over me listening to the book.
During reading time we often stop and talk about why the characters in the book are making the choices they are making or why a certain chain of events happened. Someone once told me you can live thousands of different lives by reading books. You can learn through their choices and consequences...through their joys and successes...through their disappointments and heart aches. How amazing is that opportunity and what valuable lessons we learn each day as we read our family book.
Scott snapped a couple pictures of us during family reading time this morning. You can see we are all just hanging out in the back room reading together. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to spend with my kids.
::Pokemon Lunch::
Today I was super mom to my kids because I made them Pokemon Mac-N-Cheese! They loved it, and it was so SIMPLE. I had to smile at how excited they were to list off all the Pokemon on the back of the box. We seriously spent 20 minutes talking about Pokemon over lunch and looking at all the boxes of Mac-N-Cheese. What a hoot!
::Homeschool Recess::
Brea saw her siblings playing out side and wanted to get out of her booster chair and go outside to join them right NOW.
I am so excited that its finally cooling off. WHOO-HOO!!! After lunch today the kids headed out to the backyard and played for at least 30 minutes on the swing set and tramp. The wind was blowing and it was beautiful. I can't wait until October its going to be amazing!!!!
::Happy Birthday to you...Jarom?::
Jarom's birthday isn't for another month, but he's already got his birthday present. We are heading out of town tomorrow, and Meg and Jarom are coming with us. Jarom's been thinking about getting a Pokemon DS game for a while now, and after quite a lot of convincing he was able to get a very early birthday present (a DS and a game) so he could have it when we went on these two trips. He is such a good boy, and I have to hand it to him. Scott and I gave him a certain amount we were willing to give him for his birthday money. It wasn't enough to buy a new Nintendo DS so he started searching on Craig's List and calling used game stores to see if he could find one in his budget. Finally he remembered that Tanner (his cousin) had both a DS and a PSP. He decided to call him and see if he was in the market to sell his DS and lucky Jarom he was. The other great news was that Tanner's DS was in Jarom's price range. Jarom has done such a good job taking care of his new present, and I hope he will continue take such great care of it.
It's nice to read what other home school families are doing and how they're doing it. We run our days very similar though you are right, every day is so different. It's nice to hear from someone who has the same thoughts and views on this experience. Many people think I'm crazy for wanting to be with my kids all day but it's the best and I wish I'd done this years ago. I hope to meet you soon. Are you coming to the G.N.O. for the LDS group? It's at my house this Friday. Laters, Jessica
Love reading about what you are doing with your cute family! I love the days when I feel like I really connected with the kids and some days that is enough... but it is also nice to have a day where we accomplished things on "the list" too. I love how organized you are getting! Great ideas:-)
Sounds like we're in the same mode...I'm getting organized as well...tackling ugly projects, feeling great when they're done, and trying to get our school routine in order. Wish we were neighbors...boy we'd have fun!!! Thanks for being so inspiring!
Ande I had to peek at your blog. (I hope you don't mind.) You have such a beautiful family! You truly inspire me for the education for my kiddos.
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