So it didn't help that yesterday I was up until 1:30 in the morning putting the finishing touches on my outline I was using to teach our 5 Pillars class tonight, or that I was up until 2am finishing Little Britches the night before but I could hardly pull myself out of bed this morning when my alarm clock rang and rang at 7am. I know that is NOT early (especially considering that my schedule has me waking up at 5:30...ooops). Oh well! Somehow we were able to get out the door by 8ish and to our first destination of the day by 8:30ish. That was a miracle.
{Nana's House}
So stop number one was Nana's to drop off our Irish twins Brea and Becca. They are the cutest little bundles of energy, but I was SO grateful to my mom for being willing to watch them so I could relax and enjoy stop number two. We stayed there for about 10 minutes before I loaded my four eldest into the van and headed for...
{Peter Piper Pizza}
Yes we headed for PPP to get a tour of how they make pizza and I have to say it was SUPER fun. The kids got the behind the scenes tour of how pizza is made, how soda gets to the machines, how HUGE the mixer is for the dough and the pizza sauce, they walked into the walk in freezer, got a brief over view of the cash register, checked out the oven, and had a great time discovering something new. I know I had a great time doing the tour! I've heard they have a behind the scenes tour of Disneyland for homeschoolers. Maybe we will have to hit that next year. Wouldn't that be so interesting.
Sorry back to topic. After taking the tour the kids enjoyed playing the games there, eating pizza, and just hanging out with all the other kids. I know I had a really great time visiting with the other mom's, hanging out with the kids (it was great because it was just our group in the whole store so it wasn't crazy busy and I was able to relax), oh and playing air hockey with Cooper. SO FUN!!!
{Time for Quilts}
After a quick stop back at my mom's we decided that I would leave the sleeping Brea and Becca along with my two little boys Coop and Hy with my mom while Meg, Jarom, and I ran up to my aunt's to work on our year long project...two quilts. I have the most amazingly patient mom who is always so generous and willing to watch my kiddos!!
My aunt is a wonderful sewing mentor and helped the kids and I design a quilt patter for their quilts. It was so fun to allow the kids to create their pattern and print it out. We getting ready to leave when my aunt Joyce mentioned a favorite quilt supply store was having a sale on their pink fabric and donating 10% of the proceeds of pink fabric to breast cancer research of some kind. Of course Meg wanted an all pink quilt so since the baby's were still sleeping we headed over there with a mission to purchase all the fabric we needed to complete the quilts.
With our quilt diagram and fabric requirements in hand we headed for the store. I wish I knew more about quilting or sewing (its a goal of mine to learn more and become a decent seamstress) because I felt like I was floundering around in there not really knowing what I was doing. The ladies must have sensed my uneasiness and helped point us in the right direction. Which was wonderful and before we knew it we had picked out all of the fabric we needed. WOO-HOO!
Megan loved the entire process and couldn't stop hugging and holding her fabric. It was so cute. We picked out her fabric first and she took it to the cutting table and wouldn't leave its side while I worked with Jarom on picking out his colors. Jarom tried to act disinterested, but I know he is totally excited for the challenge. One of the cutest comments he made was that he wanted to use and old fashion pedal sewing machine to sew up his quilt. He got to use one at our pioneer themed family reunion this summer and really enjoyed playing around with it. Jarom is such a good sport!
{5 Pillars}
So with Scott being gone three days this week it was a bit hectic preparing my 'discussion' for 5P. Now that I am home and the class is over I am definitely relieved! The class went great, but not because of me. It went great because the ladies (and one man) in the class are AMAZING!!! I am so impressed by each of them, who they are, and what they bring to the class. I am lucky and blessed to have such wonderful friends and mentors taking this journey (of getting a Liberal Arts Education) with me. Its great to have such positive peer pressure.
{Today's Highlights}
My day was a success because...
...I got to play air hockey with Cooper and simply hanging out with him.
...I was able to spend quality two on one time with Megan and Jarom and strengthen those relationship.
...I giggled inside after seeing Hyrum do goofy poses for the camera and we laughed about it together.
...I got to visit with my mom for a little bit.
...I listened to a cool talk and learned somethings and now I want to become a better person.
...I held, fed, and loved Becca.
...I played with Brea and tried to spend some quality time with her.
...I was able to learn so much from all the amazing 5P people.
...I was able to see my husband for the first time since 4am Tuesday morning.
...I strengthened relationships, discovered some gaps I need to work on so I can achieve my life mission, and kissed my husband.
{My new motto}
"It's never too late to be what you might have been." (George Eliot) If I can just remember this simple yet very true fact while I am rushing from here to there I think it will remind me of what's really important in life. I'll be able to make every day a wonderful day to me. Even if it looks like failure to everyone else.
Love your kindness jar and your family board... I may have to copy your idea although I don't think I could make one that pretty :-) If you get a chance, I would love a picture of the group from Pizza yesterday! Thanks:-)
Thanks for sharing. You're doing awesome!
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