I LOVE amazon! It makes getting books for me, the husband, and the kids easy. Today UPS delivered some really great science books I ordered from amazon for the kids. A friend of mine told me about them, and with Jarom being so interested in science all the time I was anxious to order a few from the series and see if they were going to be something we could really use in our homeschool. I'm happy to report that after checking them I think they are going to be GREAT!! I can't wait to read them with the kids, and do the fun science activities outlined in the back of each book.
The series is called LET'S-READ-AND-FIND-OUT SCIENCE.
I love amazon too. I just decided to do the 5 pillars with Keelee. I need to order my books.
I am curious as to how you like the course so far and how you have time for it. I've considered it but I'm worried I'll be overwhelmed with lack of time. Please advise:)
We haven't officially started yet. The 5 Pillars classes start on Thursday September 4th. So I am not sure exactly how its going to go.
I am totally nervous about keeping up with the readings, but I know I won't do it without the accountability of the 5 Pillars class. Another things that has motivated me to have the courage to start the 5 Pillars class has been the number of moms who have older children and have told me I will be so grateful I started my own education when my children were still young. I wish I had more advise to give you. Once I start the class I'll be sure to post more. If you are at all thinking about joining one of the 5 Pillar classes this fall I would say just give it a try and see what happens. If you have more questions let me know!
I love new books... the books you got for the kids look like fun - I think I will check them out! Can't believe 5 Pillar is so soon, I am a little nervous about keeping up too, but excited to learn more :-)
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